Since climbing is an important physical skill to master, and since your apartment seems to be very safe, what if you choose one piece of furniture that is safest and appropriate to climb, like the couch, and only allow her to do that? If she tries the coffee table, redirect her saying "No climbing the coffee table, but you *can* climb on the couch" and physically take her from the table to couch. I sort of did that with my son, who's 21 months, and he more or less stays off the taboo furniture, although he's perfectly capable of getting up there. Sometimes he puts a leg up and looks for my reaction, but as soon as I say no, he gets back down. It takes a while, believe me, but I think with a consistent message, they can learn what they can and cannot do. I think it's important for them to feel like they have a space to move and play and explore. And a roll off of a couch is a minor head bump - we've had many and it's just part of learning limits. Good luck!