My first child was a c/s for failure to progress, I didn't dilate. My recovery was not traumatic, nor was I really that uncomfortable.
I had a VBAC with my second child and had a wonderful experience! I would highly recommend it to anyone. My labor and delivery experience went smoothly and without complications (epidural or drugs). If I have another child, there will be no thought - I will have another VBAC.
Keep in mind, that a c/s is MAJOR abdominal surgery and having one shouldn't be taken lightly. You run the risk of infection (to both you and baby) and bleeding, blood clots, stroke, death, etc. Also, doctors like to schedule c/s about two weeks before your 'due' date and unless you were a IVF pregnancy, you due date can be off +/- two weeks, which means you could be delivering a 36 week premature baby. A 36 week baby can have breathing problems, feeding problems, jaundice, etc. All of which could mean baby is on IV fluids/antibiotics - - meaning you go home from the hospital with NO BABY, because baby has to stay longer for treatment. Even if baby is term, baby has an increased risk for infection, a NICU stay, and feeding difficulties.
Please consider the possibilities and do lots of research before you decide what is best for you. Check out your doctor, ask him what his c/s rate is (if it's over 30% - the national average - RUN). Also, some doctors/hospitals will not perform VBAC's due to insurance restrictions, you may have to switch care providers or hospitals. Also, if you have 2 c/s, you can NEVER have the possibility of a VBAC again.
Hope I didn't overwhelm you and I answered you question.