I never gave it to my first child who has always been a great, healthy eater -fruits, veggies, proteins, whole grains, etc. BUT my 2nd child is picky, picky, picky! For almost a year (his first birthday until recently), he literally would only eat dry cereals, crackers, peanut butter, oatmeal, apple sauce and yogurt. He wouldn't drink milk (any type -cow, soy, goat, almond) until last month. Granted, there are lots of nutrients in the things he would eat, but no amount of constant introduction and giving him everything from chicken to canteloupe worked. So, I used the Enfamil toddler formula for several months to cover all the bases. You can also use Pedia Sure and other drinks like that if you want, but if your toddler is eating a fairly well-balanced diet and at least trying some new things now and then, she probably doesn't need it. The only reason I used it was because I seriously worried about the amount of calories and fat he was getting and the lack of variety, fruits and veggies in his diet. He wouldn't eat the above food I listed every day -he would only pick from that group!