Toddler Pulls Blanket over His Face

Updated on October 23, 2015
L.. asks from Kirkland, WA
8 answers

Hi mamas,

My 2 year old son has recently started putting his blanket over his head when he sleeps. I noticed it a little over a month ago, and for about a week I went in and peeled it back from his face before going to bed myself. He pulls it right back, and sleeps that way the whole night. His blanket is fairly thin and light but warm enough for a chilly night. I wonder if it's a security thing? Has anyone else's kids done this? Should I just let him be? Thanks!

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answers from New York on

I used to do that often and frequently as a child and still do occasionally as an adult. LOL. I prefer it super dark when I'm sleeping and the slightest light wakes me up. The reason I throw the covers off my head is because I have a thick and ridiculously heavy comforter that nearly suffocates. When I realize I'm hot and can't breath well it gets tossed off until I get cold and cover up again. LOL

He'll be fine. Don't worry about it. My comforters growing up weren't as serious as the one I have now.

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answers from Miami on

Both of my sons do it. They have "security blankets" - one is 9 and the other is 5. They have had them since infancy. They are knit blankets so they are breathable because of the holes in the knit. He may just like the way it feels. That is what mine tell me.

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answers from Louisville on

I used to do this when I was a kid... My daughter also went through this stage. I wouldn't worry about it too much. :)

If you aren't comfortable with it, maybe you could pin the bottom of the blanket to the end of the bed so he can't pull it up so easily?

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answers from Kansas City on

my son has always done this too. I think it's a security thing. He's also one that is scared of the dark, and can never have too many lights on. I won't let him leave ALL the lights on all night, so he's just always done this. I think it's fine. don't worry about him.

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answers from Phoenix on

Toddlers are old enough and "able" to uncover their heads if something is on it they don't like. So I wouldn't worry. My son just turned 13 and he has his blanket from when he was a toddler and yup, he sleeps with it over his head. Freaked me out for a long time but he's lived 13 years like that so it must be ok for him. lol

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answers from Indianapolis on

My daughter does the same thing. Sometimes I find that her body is hot so I will uncover her face to only find her face covered in the morning, My daughter started covering her face around 2 like your son and she is ok.


answers from Boston on

I never used a blanket - I put my child in footed blanket sleepers over his pajamas. I found that kids often got cold with blankets anyway because they came off during sleep. You might consider those. They were plenty roomy, and if they were too long, I just used simple athletic wrist bands (the terrycloth kind that athletes wear) around the ankles. They would keep the sleeper "feet" in place on his feet, and any excess material just ballooned out (sort of like harem pants), which meant he could wear the sleeper longer as he grew. Worked for us.

Is it that specific blanket, or any blanket? I suppose you could get a crocheted or knitted one, with big enough holes to not create a problem. But I still think getting cold would be a problem, and then he'd wake up from it or try to rearrange the blanket instead of just getting a good, deep sleep.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I think a 2 year old is old enough to know if they want to uncover themselves BUT some options are right. A blanket sleeper and a very light blanket you can breathe through easily.


One thing every doc we've ever taken kids, from new born up, said that we should dress our kids like we're dressed.

That means if YOU wear a tee shirt and shorts to bed that you should NOT put your kid in sleepers and cover them up with blankets, they should ALSO have on a light weight top and no covers on their legs.

So if it's warm enough for you or cool enough for you then it's the same for the kids.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen mom or dad drop off a kiddo to child care and they're in their normal clothes, no coat or even a jacket or sweater and the kid is basically in a snow suit with gloves, head covered, and warm snugly boots on. The kid gets unwrapped and is covered in sweat. The parents go through the whole day without a coat and are slightly chilly at times but they expect their kid to sit in a vehicle with a heater blasting so they'll be warm enough in several inches of coat.

Don't do that. If your house is cold at night then you need to figure out how to make that child's room a bit warmer and a space heater isn't it. If it's 74 in your house don't put your child in a blanket sleeper because they'll be up all night crying from being too hot.

Think this through. Put yourself in this child's place. Are they cold? Is there a light that shines in their face? Do they want something over their face to feel comfortable? What is the reason? Then figure out what their environment is. Is it too cool in the room? But okay elsewhere? Too warm in their room but cool elsewhere?

I never understand why parents have the house cold because the heater is next to their room and it gets too hot if it's on very high. I shut my vents so that the rest of the house can be comfortable.

I like to sleep where I am comfortable. I don't like to be hot and I don't want it to be too cold if I need to get up to go to the bathroom. I keep a small space heater going in the bathroom, a ceramic one, that is pointed at the toilet. That way I can sit down and not get a huge shock. Our room is about the furthest room from the heater and our windows face the north too. So I have to be careful to not heat up the rest of the house.

My point is this, figure out why he wants his face covered if you can and try to fix that. IF it's just a comfort thing then get him the thinnest, sheerest, blanket you can find and see if he will use that. Then he should be dressed for comfort the rest of the way. If it's hot in the house he needs to be dressed for hot temps and if it's cold inside, inside, inside, then he can be dressed the same as you. IF it's not warmer in his room than yours.

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