Take a deep breath, it will be just fine. First of all, you need to take the best possible care of yourself..vitamins naps the whole deal, it's easy to have a premature baby when they are so together. Okay, now my friend had her 2 boys 13 months apart, and I had my son 18 months after my daughter, we have a few tricks. The first one is to invest in a quality baby sling or carrier. This will give you 2 free hands to take care of your toddler while still holding your new baby (test them out in the store, some are much better for newborns than others) secondly, try to time their naps together...it will take a while to get them in a routine, but once you do, you will find that you have around 2 hours or more to accomplish things that you couldn't when they were awake...like showering cleaning or cooking. Thirdly, PLAN AHEAD...you don't want to realize you're out of milk 2 minutes after your husband leaves for work for the day, leaving you to take both kids to the store...which isn't fun. Try to get everything "out of the house" taken care of when you have him there to help or watch them so you can leave for a while. The last tip, is to ask for help, from your husband, friends, family, anyone. Don't feel bad, most people you know are dying to hold/play with your kids...let them, it will give you a break. I had my best friend come over one day so i could take a nap...i didn't even sit with her for 5 minutes. Lots of parents love taking a week or so to come help you get adjusted, see if that's an option...they usually cook too!!! If all else fails, communicate to your husband that you need a little down time to exercise or do something just for you. I like to read, but can't find the time, so i ask him to take our older child out of the house while the baby sleeps to give me a little quiet time. They will grow up being best friends, having them close is great...you're just a little more run down. You'll do great, if you need anything else, feel free to email me anytime!!! Good luck~