You might want to consider hanging on to them until spring and hold a garage sale. Then you can give them the unsold toys along with a cash donation.
I was wondering if someone could suggest a good place to donate toys? My daughter has quite a few toys in great condition that she would like to donate to a facility that assists/houses children? I tried contacting the children's hospital to see if they would accept them, but they did not respond to me, so I am assuming no. We do not just want to donate to Goodwill, but to someplace where kids are living. Thanks.
You might want to consider hanging on to them until spring and hold a garage sale. Then you can give them the unsold toys along with a cash donation.
Open Door Mission and Lydia House. You could also try an area church. The Disabled American Vets will come to your house to pick them up too.
I know in the town that I currently live in, the fire and police departments like to hand out little toys to kids who have been involved in something a little "frazzling" (or more). Maybe check with the Omaha PD and FD??
Maybe the Ronald McDonald house? I also thought about the Sienna Frances House for the homeless. If they won't take them maybe they could direct you in the right direction. Good Luck!
Try a local women's shelter.
St. Vincent De Paul also has one and Creighton University also sponsors some things for battered women and children.
You could also contact the local Junior League, typically the women in that organization do a lot of charity work and may be able to help you quite a bit as well with suggestions.
How about the MacAuley Center. I think that they help women/children who have left abusive homes. I just donated a bunch of clothes to them and they are very appreciative.
I would try local day cares or else the Childrens Home. My mother in-law does foster care for them and alot of the children come with no toys or clothes.
There are a few shelters in Omaha that help get famlies back on their feet. The Lydia House (not sure how it is spelled) is a home for battered and abused women, with children. They always need donations.
Have you tried the Siena/Francis House? They might appreciate them especially with the holidays coming up.
Try Goodwill or Luthren Family Services. While they are charities, the money they make go to aid families. Plus you can claim the donation on your taxes.
Another good place would be the Stephens Center on Q street. If there program is still the same, it is a safe house for battered families and they have displaced woman and children who stay there until they get back on their feet and away from the abuser. That was several years ago, so I don't know if there program is the same. I would also check with the YWCA, they may know of some places that you could donate the items to, if not them.