Hi N.,
I have only read a few posts and I have to agree with the ones I read, that cow's milk isn't really all that great for us.
A great way to get calicum is from broccoli. I put a little soy sauce in the water when I steam it, it makes it taste so yummy it has become my daughter's favorite food.
Back to milk: My family has always had issues with milk, eczema, yeasts, lactose intolerance, sinitus, IBS. I was just reading some info online about an interesting issue. Many people are infected with mycoplasma. It has become epidemic because it is passed in families, in utero, biting insects, etc. These mycoplasma block the vitamin d receptor in your immune system and they feed on the synthetic vit D co-steriod that is added into foods. Excess vit d added to foods or taken as supplements affects progression of allergies and diseases like IBS, reflux, eczema, sinusitis, etc.!!!!
I found this to be strikingly interesting, because I have been looking for medical answers for a long time. Before I even for Marshall's site I studied blood reports about 6 months ago.. posted from a lab, and one thing I made note of was that almost every one of the patients had deficencies in Vit D and a good 60 % had deficiencies in vit B. So it supports Trevor Marshall's findings.
A solution for a "milk" on cereals, etc, is a protien drink, like carb solutions vanilla protien ready to drink shake. Another solution is cream, watered down. It shouldn't have the added vit d in it either.