J., congratulations on your new baby, and for choosing to breastfeed! While thrush can be difficult to kick, you CAN do it provided you get accurate breastfeeding support/information... unfortunately, the vast majority of MDs and well-meaning friends do not have accurate breastfeeding (& thrush) information. Your best bets:
* the awesome breastfeeding site, Kellymom, has a really helpful page --> THRUSH RESOURCES http://www.kellymom.com/bf/concerns/thrush/thrush-resourc...
* see a well-respected, local lactation consultant (LC) for treatment
* go to a local, free breastfeeding support meeting offered by La Leche League - there are several leaders in town who are also LCs - you can chat with other breastfeeding moms who have also been through dealing with thrush
Feel free to send me a private message if you would like any more information on the local LLL groups, recommended LCs, etc.
NOTE: Beware of recommendations to give your newborn something other than breastmilk. It's important to note that things like water or whole milk yogurt ARE NOT recommended in newborns or young infants! For acidophilous, you can find this refrigerated, in powder form, at your local healthfood store. As far as yeast overgrowth, sure, it's possible you have this, but again, I'd just make sure to double check any recommendations for pharmaceutical OR all natural treatments with your LC so that it doesn't interfere with your milk supply or your newborn!
Again, congrats on your new baby AND on getting your 1st baby ready for college. :)