My daughter just delivered her first baby (9 lb 3 oz boy) with them at Good Sam and was happy with the experience. They are willing to work with you if you want to use different aids, including a bath tub brought to the room. She was due the 8th and delivered without induction on the 13th.
There was a question about the "larger size" of the baby, but I informed them I had six babies (all naturally, at home) without any complications and they tended to be around 10 pounds average, ranging from 8 lb 8 oz to 11 lb 3 oz. Perhaps if you have a similar history with the females in the family, it may allay their concerns (although my mother's largest baby was 7 lb. she smoked and drank alcohol during pregnancy, which we know now reduces birth weight).
Congratulations and blessings to you and yours.