Congratulations on such a little heffer! LOL And big kudos to you for nursing!!!!!! Keep it up!
I know it's hard right now. I think a lot of it is probably that he's hitting his 1st big growth spurt & his nursing constantly is nature's way of ensuring that you have more than enough milk to meet his needs. The worst of it should be over within a few days. (But keep in mind that they tend to hit them in 3's & 6's. So you'll have another spurt @ 6 wks, then 3 mos & 6 mos & you may have some smaller ones in between).
Do you have a baby sling? Those can be a real sanity saver, especially when you have older children. That way, you can nurse him, or even just hold him & meet his needs while tending to your older child.
At this age, I would HIGHLY suggest that you limit bottles if you even offer them. They CAN effect your supply & his latch (not always, but it's a possibility).
I also suggest attending some La Leche meetings. The support and info is 100% invaluable! It got me through SOOOO many hard times! I look forward to them every single month & my son will be 2 next week! I love going to them!
www.KellyMom.com also has some incredible info on it.
Hang in there & keep up the awesome work!!!!
A. Patterson
THING-A-MA-SLING Custom-Created Baby Slings