You can take all the photos you want now however unless it is really obvious that the damage you speak of is caused by regular wear and tear, and/or serious water, structural, faulty wiring etc, you have been there two years and the owners can put it back on you.
Is this normal? What's NOT normal is that you didn’t do a walk through and make a record of everything that was not in working order BEFORE you signed a lease. Especially the part about agreeing “in writing” that you would replace appliances and giving 90 days notice to move.
Call up the local housing authority and see what the regulations are in your county. In my area if you have notified the owner or landlord that something needs to be fixed and this does not happen within a reasonable period of time. The tenant can go ahead and have it fixed and deduct it from the rent. Save ALL receipts. Note: This process may differ from state to state, county to county etc.
If any needed repairs causes your dwelling to be deemed as uninhabitable, that may be grounds to move immediately and I think you would be entitled to your entire deposit back unless the owner could prove that your negligence caused the problems. Call the health department and housing authority.
The fact you have been there for two years, with all the problems you have cited indicates that because your rent was so low, you were willing to put up with the inconveniences.
The fact that if/when you move you will have to pay for movers have no bearing on the needed repairs on your existing dwelling.
If they owner is not willing to fix things, find a place, kiss your deposit goodbye and go over any new leases with a fine tooth comb before signing.