well, in my case, I was 3 forms of birth control when I did concieve. It can take up to year after getting off BC to get preg.
I'm new to the boards and to pregnancy all together. I am wondering how long is the "norm" for trying to concieve (I'm mid 20's & have been off the pill 6 months now)...we've been trying now going on 3 months, but nothing! I have been looking at websites that suggest ovulation testers and am just curious if other moms have found the tests beneficial?
Thanx in advance for your help.
Thanx girls for all your help! We are pregnant!! Only took 4 months....I am so thankful! I ended up passing on the ovulation test and just trying out some of the suggestions from you ladies. Thanx again! I'm nervous and excited to see what is to come!
well, in my case, I was 3 forms of birth control when I did concieve. It can take up to year after getting off BC to get preg.
I never had that problem with conceiving a baby. It always happened within 3 months for us. However, I can give you some pointers. When the ovulation test tells you it's a good time to conceive, try placing a pillow under your hips and lay on your back so that your butt is a little bit elevated and your hips are low and tilted back. Then after you guys are done with the baby-making part, DON'T MOVE. Stay like that for as long as possible but after 20 or 30 minutes you should be okay. It sounds kind of crazy but it works. My first took a month, the last two took 3 months and the one I'm pregnant with now wasn't planned lol. Also try deep penetration. This helps a lot too. I also agree with the other mom about not stressing. I noticed that the easiest thing is to say "If it happens it happens, if not...okay!" If you're stressing about it then it's harder for your body to do it's job.
I recommend the ovulation kits as well
used them both times :-)
also I recommed evening primrose oil- I also did this both times :-)
this site helped me understand/use the primrose oil & flax seed oil:
good luck & have fun!
Hi J.,
Experts say it takes about a year of unprotected sex and you should be pregnant!! (give or take)When I was trying to conceive I found the ovulation predictors helped me realize when I ovulated. I now have 2 boys :) Good luck!!!!
I used the (I think Clear Blue) ovulation test and that month I got pregnant.. It just helps you pinpoint when your ovulating.. I had tried for 3 months, got the ovulation test and that month I was pregnant. I do recommend getting one. GOOD LUCK!!!
Infertility would be after trying to actively conceive for one year without getting pregnant. Just relax, give it time and see what happens. If after you've tried for a year and have not gotten pregnant then go see a doctor and take steps to use ovulation tests, etc.
yeah they worked for me and my husband. You can get them at a drug store or even a supermarket and they come with 15 or so in a pack. we got pregnant in two months after having my IUD removed. So I would highly recommend them!!
It took me 4 months after I stopped taking the pill to conceive. I knew exactly when I ovulated and we were "trying" very hard. It wasn't until, I just let go and relaxed about it, that it happened. We went on a cruise, had a great time and I missed my period the following month. Just relax and nature will take it's course.
I used ovulation testers and I tracked my basal body temperature and conceived after two months. They say to make an appointment with your doctor if you try to conceive unsuccessfully for one year. It's not unusual for it to take several months--I think the chances of conceiving are about 25% a month. Check out www.fertilityfriend.com for info. on basal body temperature testing. It's the easiest and most effective way of determining if you are ovulating. The ovualation testers are a little trickier.
Its funny, I know a few girls that tried for so long and finally gave up...and ended up adopting. And wouldnt ya know it, they got pregnant! Dont stress about it, thats my advice to ya! Good luck!
ok I nkow it's really gross, but try having sex on your period. I don't know why but it works. As soon as you feel it coming on, ummm... how do i put this.. do your thing, until your period stops, if it stops early after having sex, be sure to pick up a pregnancy test! That's how I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, my period stopped and it had just started, so off I went to the store! Good luck!!!
I have also heard the test are good, however the 2 times that I wanted to get pregnant, I used the ovulation calandar at webmd.com. You haveto register and do a little searching for it on the site, but as soon as you have your last period and estimated length of cycle correct, you should have an idea of the times that you are ovulating. Good Luck!!
Hi J.. When I was looking to get pregnant I asked my doctor and his advice was... From the start of your period have sex every other day. And he can't "relieve" himself on the opposite days. We did this and 2 weeks later we were pregnant. Now it may not happen this way with everyone, but it did work for us.
I hate to tell you but sometimes it takes time. It took my husband and I 1 1/2 years to have a baby. It gets really frustrating at times but when it is meant to happen it will. The ovulation kits do work but you don't want to rely on them because if it doesn't work then you will start feeling negative about the whole situation and it will just become a chore monthly. It also will start too take a toll on your marriage. The whole time my husband and I were trying to have a baby we were actively using ovulation kits and seeing specialists. We were having all kinds of problems. The time we were not focused on trying to conceive is when I got pregnant. And now we have a 5 month old little girl. So try not to focus on it so much because it will happen at the right time.
Good Luck!!!
Hi J.,
I used clear blue that predicts your ovulation and I got pregnant after a few months.
Good luck!
A normal couple can try for up to a year. After that please see your provider for additional advice. My best advice to you would be to track your cycle for a couple of months. Your cycle might be shorter or longer than the norm and you may ovulate differently. Knowing when you ovulate will give you the best chances of conceiving. (Knowing your cycle is also invaluable for birth control later on) My best friend and I both conceived quickly just by knowing what days we ovulate. Here are some websites to look at.
Good luck!
S., a midwife