It sounds like a weird period.
Sure you ovulated but it doesn't look like anything took this time around.
Keep trying, and try to relax and enjoy the holidays.
Hi! My husband and I have been TTC since June 2012. We did the ovulation kit in November and took advantage of the positive day and the day before and after. I have been having some red and brown spotting since then and was suppose to start my period 3 days ago. I took a test 2 days before I was suppose to start and it was negative. Now I am having dark brown blood, not much instead of a regular period. The ovulation test said positive on November 6th. It is now November 26th and I have only had the dark brown stuff. Could I be pregnant or is this just a weird period? Thank you! Any help is appreciated.
It sounds like a weird period.
Sure you ovulated but it doesn't look like anything took this time around.
Keep trying, and try to relax and enjoy the holidays.
It could be from your period, or it could be spotting with pregnancy..The best way is to confirm with a blood test at your doctor's office. That way your not waiting around and thinking what if?
When I used to have dark brown blood and slow-starting periods, it turned out to be my thyroid.
If it keeps up, have yourself checked for hypothyroidism.
I think a weird period.
If you were preggo, I would think you'd see a positive test by now.
Both of my kids, I saw a positive preg test 10 DPO.
That said, anything is possible!
Could be implantation bleeding. Wait a week and test again if you don't get a normal period.
I did something similar to this when I had a miscarriage. The only way to be sure is to wait and see what happens then go visit the doc if next month's period is not right or you don't have one.
It could be an early miscarriage, but I don't think you are pregnant. I had a positive pregnancy test once but started my period at essentially the time it was due. It was dark blood with more than usual clots. I do believe it was an early miscarriage.