Tubal ligations have failed. But.......at 10 weeks a pregnancy blood test should have showed an elevated hormone level. And at 10 weeks you wouldn't be feeling the baby move. What did your doctor suggest could be the cause?
Could you be starting into peri-menopause? Sounds like menopause type symptoms to me. I don't know your age but you don't have to be 40 to have peri-menopause. It does happen to young women too.
Stress can also cause those symptoms when it interferes with hormone production and affects your digestive system too. Tension headaches,.
You may qualify for medical care thru a county clinic that charges on a sliding scale.
In response to your comment about menopause being horrible. Actually, it doesn't have to be. We know so much more about menopause and how to manage it's symptoms. Also, many women don't have serious symptoms. I was feeling a bit off and people were telling me that I had become moody which caused me to see the gynecologist. He did a blood test and confirmed I was in menopause. Just knowing that helped me to manage my moods better. I didn't have hot flashes but was sensitive to a change in temperature. Now there are several natural and chemical ways to manage menopause. You can lose the weight once you know what is happening. With me, I slowed down when I didn't feel good. Once I realized this was a natural process and exercise would help me feel better I went back to walking nearly every day.