I wouldn't be freaked out at all. It's a huge honor to be able to carry a child inside of you, and so many other women would love to experience that feeling. You have a beautiful 14 month old son who needs a healthy and mentally healthy mommy. This is also an exciting time for your son to see his sis/bro growing inside of you. Enjoy all aspects of just being pregnant whether your child will have special needs or not, enjoy being sick, sleepless nights, sweating in the summer, swelling ankles, all this only lasts for so long. If you've made it through all those 14 months with your son now, then you can handle whatever is thrown at you now and later. I wouldn't be so concerned about anything yet until you get to that next ultrasound and even after that, God doesn't give us what we can't handle. You'll still love your child even with special needs and you'll still make that child a huge part of your life as well as your son's life regardless. That is human nature for a mom. Be patient and live in the moment of being pregnant. When you find out if your child will be special needs or not you will be able to embrace the challenge just as you did as a first time mom with your son. It's definiltly not a piece of cake to be a mom, but we all make things happen. good luck and keep us all posted!!!