Underwear for Skinny 20 Month Old

Updated on November 29, 2010
K.F. asks from Hillsboro, OR
6 answers

We are going to try to potty train our 20 month old in a few weeks and I can't find any underwear in a size smaller than 2T/3T. She is probably only 24 pounds and is tall and skinny (12-18 month pant size if they weren't too short!). Anyone know where I can get 18-24 month size underwear without paying a fortune?


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answers from Portland on

When I took my little girls in to pick out their first "big girl undies" I left the store with a pack of Thomas the Train and a pack of Go Diego Go boys briefs! They stayed on my skinny little girls better than any girls panties did at that age, even though they were size 2T. They have a thicker, wider waistband, and the fabric was thicker too, so I actually thought they absorbed accidents better. I never made a big deal about them being for boys, and my daughters both loved them.



answers from Boston on

Your daughter sounds like my son. Have you tried a 2T on her? We got a pack of disney underwear and after one wash and dry they shrunk enough to be a perfect fit a few others that we tried didn't shrink too much and had to be put away until he got a little bigger but the disney ones seemed to shrink right up.



answers from Milwaukee on

We're in the early stages with my son and I put TWO pair on him. That helps keep them on/up!



answers from Dallas on

Try Hanna Andersson or Gymboree. They both had smaller smalls than the big-box stores.


answers from Minneapolis on

Gymboree carries 18mo size, my boys wore them because they both trained at 12-18mos. The size 2T Hanes or similar are very small, my 3yr old daughter is 27lbs and 36" tall and the 2T ones fit her ok... still a bit baggy in the rear but hey.... she's 3, its ok. :)

Otherwise check out Etsy.com, you can search forh andmade underwear and people make them any size you need!


answers from Austin on

Have you tried the 2T/3T undies? My daughter was tall & skinny too (although i dont think she was training in cotton panties until after turning 24 months, so your daughter is probably a bit smaller than when we started). After you wash & dry them a few times, they get smaller--especially the Disney themed ones. Target brand Circo were bigger than the Disney ones. And assuming she'll wear them under pants/leggings/tights, you probably won't have an issue of them falling down since the pants will hold them up.

At age 3, she was wearing the 4T panty size. At 4, she's erring the size 6--and still tall and skinny. Point being, those panty sizes don't run true to sizes in clothes.

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