Just a suggestion if she still experiences stomach issues. A completely safe way to help with stomach issues for children and adults is to take probiotics each morning about 30 minutes prior to breakfast. Probiotics are the natural bacteria that our bodies need (you see a lot of yogurts advertised as having live bacteria). For anyone with stomach issues, they are a completely safe, natural, non drug way to help cure these ailments. They come in both pill and powder form for children. Buy them in the refrigerated section at Whole Foods, Fruitful Yield or Wild Oats. They also boost your immunity. Both my husband and I suffered from stomach issues, went through tests and prescriptions, and what ended up helping both of us were a simple probiotic every morning.
When using doctors, if you currently go to an M.D., try using a D.O. - Doctor of Osteopathy. Without completely going into the differences, I believe you will find they try to get to the root of the problem rather than treating the symptoms. They use a whole person approach to treating patients and will spend much more time with you. I have switched for my family doctor to a D.O. yrs ago and highly recommend D.O.'s (mine is in Woodridge, which is probably too far for you.)
Try going to this web site for a description of a D.O. and to find one near you: