My granddaughter was in the hospital for a week last July. Her right tonsil was touching the left one and the Uvula was completely hidden. If I had put my little finger in her mouth it would not have been able to get through the hole she was swallowing and breathing through.
We took her to the ER for her fever on Saturday evening, she started an antibiotic. She was worse by late Sunday evening and on into the early morning so she was back at the ER Monday morning by 5am. That doc was wondering what the other ER doc was thinking because she was not on the right antibiotic. He also actually swabbed her for strep and it came back positive. He started her on a different med. By that after noon she was having trouble breathing and could not swallow. Her tongue was so swollen she could only drool and not close her mouth at all.
I called the pediatric clinic and our regular person was out. The doc on call saw my granddaughter, did a mono test right then, it came back negative. He gave her a shot of Rocefrin, and admitted her to the hospital.
She went in, got hooked up to IV's for the fluids and nutrition. She could no longer swallow at all. She used Mr. Thirsty to suction out her saliva, she was getting so many fluids by this point and could wet an entire pillow in a few moments with yellow drainage and spit.
They did another mono test in case the one they did at the clinic was not valid. It came back negative too.
They ended up testing her for mono 3 times, but it was the worse case of strep anyone in the hospital had every seen. The other docs kept coming by looking in her throat and at her tongue. The anitbiotics did nothing for it. The just kept her at bay as far as getting anything else while she had this. They said it was totally viral and it just had to work it's way through.
The tongue swelling was due to dehydration. She had stopped eating and drinking some time on Sunday. Not even Popsicles were making it down the throat. The swelling did not go down until Friday morning and that was still not to a comfortable level as far as I was concerned.
Earlier that weekend when she was first seen she weighed in the mid 50's. When she got out the next weekend she weighed in the low 40's. She had lost nearly 15 lbs. She went from size 6/6X jeans back to her 5's and 6's. She did gain her weight back fairly quickly and she went past her last weight.
Her brother was supposed to go to Children's Hospital that morning to get some dental work done under general anesthesia. We cancelled that. He could have been carrying this strep plus the docs and everyone else might have gotten it too since they were going to be in his mouth. If he had it or had been carrying it they could have gotten it and in the process spread it even further.
Have the doc test her for Mono and Strep. As many strains as they can.