It is good to educate yourself from every angle on this issue so be sure not to take everything she says as gospel. Mary Tocco is not a doctor, but I would give the same advice regardless of who you were going to see. Recently, DR. Andrew Wakefield, the doctor who claimed to have found a link between the MMR shot and autism, has been discovered to have 'doctored' his findings and falsified the outcomes of his tests. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/ar...
Someone earlier mentioned that if you don't live around "druggies" then you're not at risk for Hep B, etc., but that's a false sense of security. More and more children are not being vaccinated and not every country vaccinates. All it takes is one infected person and they come in and out of the coutry all the time. The difference now becomes that since people aren't vaccinating their children, we're losing the "coccoon" or "herd" protection we used to enjoy wherein people who can't be vaccinated, whether b/c of immune disorders or they're age (babies under 2 months old can not get the MMR as their immune systems can't handle it), are protected b/c the rest of the population is vaccinated and one infected person can't spread the disease.
the link I provided (I think you'll have to copy and paste it to your nav bar) also has other articles that go into much more detail about the issues with Wakefield's findings and go onto report that 2 children have died of Measles in their area (UK) and they've already lost their 'herd' effect.
Her website claims to "prove that vaccines cause illness and death." I can tell you what else has been proven to cause illness and death....Measles, Mumps, Ruebella, Hepatitis A, B, C, Polio, Diptheria...etc....
Again, I applaud you for doing your research. It's an ongoing thing that never ends. What you decide will not only affect your child but your family, your child's future children (Ruebella infection will affect your daughter's children) and your community at large. It is not a decision to be taken lightly for sure.