Hi L.,
I have also struggled with the vaccine question and have handled it differently with each of my children for different reasons. I believe in vaccinating, although I don't believe in vaccinating prior to the age of one unless there is a compelling reason. However many, many people do not believe in vaccinating at all. This is such a personal decision, I can only tell you what I did. With my first I chose not to vaccinate until after she turned one. When I began her vaccinations, I did so on a modified schedule:
She had no more than 2 shots with a total of 3 components at each visit. My pediatricians didn't want to spread it out as much, but they will if you persist. My reasoning behind giving no more than 2 shots/3 components was that if there were a problem, then it would be easier to identify what vaccine caused a reaction. The only drawback is that it means a few more visits to the Doctor. If your child is not in daycare this will work for you. Any licensed daycare provider will REQUIRE your child to be current (according to the states schedule)in order to attend, unless you obtain a medical or religious exemption.
My last baby has had medical problems so I chose to vaccinate her on the standard schedule. Mostly because she is in an out of the hospital and has the potential to be exposed to many more diseases/viruses.