this is a no doubt answer: dr robert sears.
robert sears is the son of william and martha sears. they have many books and publications, and are very sensitive to moms instincts, and give accurate information to all parents no matter their choices.
robert wrote the book "the vaccine book". it is VERY DETAILED. when i read it i do not remember pressure either way; to or not to vaccinate. his purpose is not to steer parents one way or the other; but to give parents the most accurate and up to date information possible.
one thing that is great about his book is that he gives an outline of an adjusted vaccination schedule. what this does is spreads the vaccines out more; your child will receive fewer shots at one time, and it is thought that it will not overwhelm a child's system to do so. you might have problems with your doctor agreeing to it so make sure to talk to someone in administration. its not that your doctor doesnt WANT to do what you ask, its that the clinic has protocol that tie his hands and require that he do things in the way that the AAP recommends.
one of the most notable thing about his vaccination schedule is that he splits the MMR up into M, M and R. LOL. this is more difficult to find; i havent heard yet if merck has decided to manufacture these vaccines separately again yet; they had stopped. however, hopefully they will soon. it might require a bit more work (you might have to purchase them yourself and bring them to the clinic in a cooler or something) - but it might be worth all the effort.
besides, the alternate vaccination schedule also requires more visits to get the shots, but many parents decide that this is SO worth it.
i do get periodic emails from robert sears as well, updates to the book, and vaccine news. you can probably sign up for that on the books are also available for purchase there, but you could get them used on amazon; OR if you feel comfortable, contact a local la leche group; they usually have books like this. if you are breastfeeding its a bonus to connect with a group to get support and like minded parents in your social circle! :)
anyway, good luck with your decision. the best thing you can do is stand up for what you believe, and stand up for your rights and your child. my opinion is that the diseases that vaccines prevent are serious, and its a good thing they are for the most part eradicated because of vaccines; but many are making a comeback in certain areas. how bad this is cant really be determined because some officials might be going overboard to "scare" parents into getting vaccines. but also, there is no doubt in my mind and the mind of many parents that vaccines have and do cause damage to certain children. just because its few children doesnt mean its any better. we should always take caution, and keep pressuring groups like the AAP to use alternate vaccination schedules; even if its simply asking your local clinic to do so. remember, if you get a no answer, go up the chain of command. i talked to my son's doctor, his hands were tied, so i went up to administration, they said "ok". :) :) you never know until you try. if nothing else, you probably will find moms who feel just as apprehensive as you do and you could as a group pressure the clinic to use alternate schedules.
the worst thing you would have to do is walk out. they cant FORCE you to vaccinate your child. they might make you THINK that you do, but they dont have the right. you can walk out. my son hasnt seen the doctor for about a year and a half because i was waiting for the MMR to be available in separate shots again and if i dont go to the doctor, then they wont ask or try to vaccinate him with the full MMR. ;P what are they going to do ? LOL.
anyway, thats what i would do ; find "the vaccine book" by robert sears. its awesome. tells you everything you need to know while leaving the decision up to you.