Dear S.,
This response is not what you are asking for but it is worth considering.
We considered a video monitor and were told that some people stay awake staring at the screen. We investigated the $100+ Babies R Us motion/audio monitor. The customer comments and our experience have been very positive. We place the sensor pad in his sleeping area. The alarm sounds if no motion is detected for 20 seconds, plus you have two portable monitors so you can hear baby cry. He sleeps upstairs, we are downstairs sleeping comfortably knowing that if the worst to occur (respiratory arrest) we would be alerted. Also if someone were to take him and turn off the transmitter we would hear static due to the loss of signal. All units have battery backup in case of a power failure. My research has only revealed one limitation: two channels and the receiver can pick up interference, especially during the day. I have recommended this to all of my coworkers and pregnant friends.
Best Wishes,