Katheryn Z.
My Best Advice is to just take your prenatal vitamins. I know it can be very hard to deal with the morning sickness, but remember if your sick that is an indicator you WILL NOT miscarry, it is the bodies defense! Now if your feeling ill sip some Peppermint Tea the type with no caffeine. Raspberry tea is Great for acid reflux or heartburn.
From Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible--copyright 1991--Check with a newer version as well as print out and check with YOUR DOCTOR to see if accurate!
Earl is a PHD as well as pharmasist and herbalist. I believe there is more to his credentials but that is all I can remember at this time of the morning!
Earl's advice on vitamin B is if pregnant check with YOUR Doctor-- BEFORE taking sustained doses of over 50 mg of vitamin B6.
B1 Pregnant--suggested in book--1.5 to 1.6 mg daily
B2 Pregnant--suggested in book--1.6 mg
B6 Pregnant--suggested in book--2.1 mg
B12 Pregnant--suggested in book--2.6 mcg***
B13 Pregnant--suggested in book--Not enough research done to give recommendation---this printing is 1991--time for me to
B15 Pregnant--suggested in book--No information.
B17 Pregnant--suggested in book--No information.
A GREAT book to buy and live by is the Earl Mindell "Vitamin Bible" as above information is from, as well as his "Herb Bible".
The Vitamin Bible has a whole section on Pregnancy and warnings and what you can take and should do as well as what to avoid. The book is like $7-8.oo and tells you a wealth of knowledge. I use mine so much that it falls apart. I must up-date from time to time as new information is always becoming available.This one I bought when pregnant with my second son Mason who is now 9 years old and in November turns 10!
This book will tell you Foods to eat instead of taking medicines or vitamins then the choice is yours to make--Medicine, Vitamins or Food! We choose Food first then work towards the meds but that is just me. If I can cure myself and family with Food we do!
I hope this helps you some. Check out his web-site as well, Earl Mindell--you can ask questions and get specific answers from medical experts.
And ALWAYS Double Check with your own Doctor!
Best of Luck to you both!
*** not an error it is MCG NOT MG