I just wanted to let you know first that I worked in a health food store for over 5 yrs and have had numerous trainings and seminars on nutrition with supplements. I am also a massage therapist as well.. Heres my advice..
First off.. It is always best to do liquid over chewable and capsule over pill (pressed power).. Its absorbs better in your system.
Secondly.. what they dont tell consumers is that you need a "whole food" vitamin for it to absorb completely in your system. The reason for this is that each vitamin (calcium,magnesium, Vit A and so on....) need to attached to the same nutrient to be absorbed into the body unless it is taken from food form.. So if you take a "normal" vitamin.. no matter the brand... you would have to eat foods (at the time you take the vitamin) that had the same nutrients in it as the vitamin you are taking in order for it to absorb... Which is going to be pretty hard to get ALL those vitamins in one sitting..lol.. So my advice is to buy a "whole food" vitamin... Which you can find at a health food store.. "Mega-foods" and "Rainbow Light" are a few brand names.
Thirdly, its always best to get individual vitamins for you, your husband and your kids. You and your husband need a very different amount of different vitamins.. Like you need more iron and calcuim.. he needs more lycopene(for prostate) and no iron...
Now on to your question of the testing.. Any Dr can do a vitamin test panel(blood test). Just ask. But I will warn you that they "normal range" isnt up to par with todays standards. Like take calcuim for example.. the RDA is only 60mgs.. But most woman know you need at least 1000mg and 1500mg for teenage & woman in their 20s. If you do decide to have your normal Dr test you. Get a print out of the numbers and research it yourself. Also there is a company based out of Cali. (I cant remember their name though) that will make a specail vitamin up for you depending on your needs. (You send in a sample of your urine and it checks your levels for it and makes a unique vitamin tailered to your specific levels. It was about $50 a month a few yrs ago) The vitamins you can get from your Dr are not tailer personally to you.. If they see you are deficent in one thing they will recommend that one vitamin.. thats all.
As far as your kids immune system. I did hear about the rubbing your feet before bed too :) Also breathing exercises has been known to raise your immune system as well. Get them on a good whole food multi and you can supplement that with something for their immune system as well.. My kids take Sea Buddies- Immune Defense by Enzymatic Therapy a few times a week. You can also do the Air Borne effervesent drink too (meijers has their own kind thats a little cheaper too). Yes its best to give them a diet of lots of raw fruits and veggies.. and nows the season for it too :)
As far as the Shacklees brand others are recommending... It might be a good vitamin but unless its a whole food one then its not absorbing effecently.. We used to take peoples vitamins and put them into a bottle of water and watch them.. Most would just sit there at the bottom of the glass (even after 8 hrs!!).. You dont want to have it just pass right through your system w/o being absorbed... So do your own research on it and find whats best for you.
Lastly, I have to mention that all your vitamins get aborbed into your blood thru your intestines.. (not to be gross) but you have to make sure your "moving" well down there or else you arent going to be able to absorb any vitamins.. I recommend doing a cleanse first. I have heard many "scary" things out there about it, but do your research first.. most are uneducated about how things work in the body and since its not mainstream advice from your Dr.. It gets a bad rap... message me if you want more info on this :)
Sorry this is so long but This is exactly what I have been trained in.. and most people dont have a clue about all this and I feel its pretty important stuff to know :) Most Drs dont have any formal training on vitamins so going to someone who does is the best advice.. Hope this helps :)