Is the vomiting a recent problem or something that has been going on a while? Has this been going on for more than 2 days?
If it's the flu, you just have to wait it out. There are anti nausia medicines, but I don't think they are approved for infants. Once everything is out of her system, she won't be puking anymore. Just wait it out. I know Meijers had a generic brand on sale for like $4.00.
If this vomiting has been going on for some time, then this may be a sign of a gastro-intestinal problem. Perhaps the flap going to the stomach is under-developed and it causes everything to come up. She might have acid reflux. She might be allergic to the formula you are feeding her or something in your breastmilk.
When my son was little, he had all of those problems. I had to keep him sitting up all the time until he was about 6 months (and he was sitting up on his own all the time). I used to put him in a bouncer, the infant carrier, swing, jumper in the hallway, etc. As soon as he laid down, it would all come up. It was like a spewing fire hydrant.
Call the doctor and see if they can determine if the problem is an allergy, acid reflux, under-developed esophogus/stomach, or the flu. You might have to do some trial and error to figure out what works... I had to.
You might also try putting about a teaspoon of cooked cereal into her bottles. Since it's heavier than formula, it helps the food stay down in the tummy.