Well I can only answer for what works for us.
I am WAHM and get up and work on the phone from 6am till
the kids get up and have a 2 1/2 yr old girl and 4 yr boy.
They are busy all day and lucky they will be going to school
this fall for mothers day out. Then work in late evening too.
I am only getting 3- hours sleep bewt working hours and then the kids all day, I am worn out. So my husband who works 8-5,
then comes home and I cook dinner and we have family dinner and some family time.
Then he helps pick up at bedtime and put the kids to bed and does the ALL the dishes, and cleans the kitchen And will throw laundry in occas, this helps so I can put in a few more hours of work.
We can't make it if I don't work but I can't work when the kids are up, so this is what works for us.
When you have a toddler there always toys and even though we have the kids pick up and just takes work for everone. So we try to be a team. Maybe this will give you some tips.
Good luck ! My husband didn't know how much I did til I was in training for 6 weeks at night and he had to take care of the kids,dinner,bath and bedtime, and clean up.
So he happy to help and see how much it takes to keep the house up.