Maybe you're pregnant and maybe you're not.
It could be a hysterical pregnancy.
Go lie down for a few weeks and then pee on a stick.
If at that point it says you're not pregnant - believe it.
I have had super sore/swollen breasts for the last 3 days (like almost a cup size) and night sickness like pretty much on the dot at 9pm every night. I have been ridiculously tired for the last week like where I'm only awake for like a max of 8 hours before I'm exhausted again and need to nap.
My first day of my last period was on November 8th until the 10th and it was light spotting. Which is unusual for me.. mine are usually 5-6 days and pretty heavy.
My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex twice in that time and once on the 10th as well as the 11th. He finished and we used no protection.
I took a pregnancy test today (November 24th, 2014) and it was negative. Is it just to early to tell?
I am pregnant!!! :)
Maybe you're pregnant and maybe you're not.
It could be a hysterical pregnancy.
Go lie down for a few weeks and then pee on a stick.
If at that point it says you're not pregnant - believe it.
The same hormones that cause symptoms are the same ones you are looking for on the pregnancy test. If they aren't high enough to indicate you are pregnant, they are not high enough to cause significant pregnancy symptoms, particularly nausea. You may or may not be pregnant, but your symptoms are probably psychosomatic either way.
It may be too early. If you are worried, you can always confirm with a blood test. The symptoms you are having can be symptoms of pregnancy or other issues. Best to talk with your physician .
Women normally ovulate mid-cycle, not 2-3 days after their periods start. Do you have a regular 29-30 day cycle?
If your cycle is irregular, anything is possible. Wait until your period is one week overdue. If you test and it's still negative, go see your doctor.
welcome to mamapedia!!
You've had unprotected sex. Yes, you can be pregnant.
Yes, it's most likely too soon to tell. Go to your doctor and get a blood test done.
Wait and take another test or go to your doctor and have a blood test done.
So your last period (Nov. 8-10) wasn't normal in duration or flow, so it's hard to know if it was a real period or not.
Your breast tenderness can be caused by a variety of things, of which pregnancy is only one. Likewise, nausea and fatigue are non-specific symptoms and can be indicative of a lot of things.
You're kind of in that limbo phase - you should behave as if you are pregnant (no alcohol, for example) and also as if you are not (use contraception unless you are trying to get pregnant). I know that's frustrating but there's no other way to deal with this. You can either wait a week and try another store-bought test (they aren't always accurate but it doesn't make sense to keep spending money on them to test every day) or you can call your doctor for an appointment which could include a blood test for pregnancy, other blood work to rule out other causes, and a pelvic exam.
Good luck - just take care of yourself until you get some answers.
If you are days pregnant it's too soon for morning/evening sickness. It's silly to think you'd be having symptoms like this this soon.
Go to your local health department and ask for a free pregnancy test.
You could be.
I don't see your age but you know you can to to Planned Parenthood for pregnancy tests and birth control right?
Do you want to get pregnant?
Do you have access to birth control?