Hi J.,
In the spirit of getting "as much information as possible", here are some additional thoughts for you. There can be very real reasons for slowed growth in children that are almost always missed by conventional physicians.
One of these which is very easy to test for is food intolerances. Research has clearly established gluten intolerance as a major candidate in slowed growth/short stature in children. Gluten is the protein in wheat, barley, and rye. The reasons are two-fold: (1) gluten autoimmune reactions lead to a deteriorated small intestine lining, where micronutrient absorption takes place. This leads to malnutrition no matter how much good food you eat. (2) the compromised gut lining leads to leakage of toxins from the gut into the blood stream, where they clog up the liver, and stress the endocrine system, including the adrenals and the pituitary. Since doctors don't study nutrition in med school, they know little of this relationship and usually won't make the connection. In addition, even if they do, the standard testing (blood test and invasive endoscopy procedure) are not effective in diagnosis. A better test is a stool test from Enterolab, a lab in Plano TX started by Dr. Ken Fine, former director of GI research at Baylor Dallas, who suspected that conventional testing was missing the problem in many people. See www.enterolab.com. Order test kit online, send in specimen, they email you the results. EASY!! You will see "short stature" listed on the symptom list under FAQ of "Who should be tested."
Dr. Fine's research leads him to believe 1 in 3 Americans suffers from this. Not suprising, given the overconsumption of gluten in processed foods, of which kids are big consumers. In addition, our wheat today contains 90% more gluten than our grandmothers' did.
This testing seems important for your son, even if only to rule out a VERY COMMON problem, that if addressed properly will save your son years of traumatic shots:
Another possible line of research is the emotional mind-body connection. Conventional medicine also doesn't really study this. Emotions have a powerful affect on the immune system and hormone funciton. Dr. Mercola mentions this connection in this article:
Yoga is very helpful in balancing hormones and the entire endocrine system. Other energy healing techniques such as tai chi would also be worth exploring, if your son is open to any of this. Ultimately, he needs to decide he wants to heal and be willing to make it happen.
A very athletic form of healing yoga can be found at www.bikramyogarichardson.com and www.sunstoneyoga.com.
If you are in Fort Worth, try www.hotyogafortworth.com. He is old enough.
Another option (only if you are really really openminded) is to consult a medical intuitive (someone who "reads" the energy system of the body) and ask what the problem is. This is particular helpful for emotional blockage issues. For a local practitioner, you might try www.soulhealer.com
You may not have much to lose by trying other options.
Just think, if you can identify and fix the underlying reason WHY your son is not producing adequate growth hormone, imagine the improvement to his physical and emotional health long term!!
Best of luck to you.