I'm curious as to the reason that you've decided to wean her, especially in light of the fact that she's not all that interested in table food. I noticed that you are looking at a good job opportunity, is that why? I'm just thinking that if there's a reason that she is still nursing as much as she is, then maybe she's not emotionally ready to be weaned. Not only that, but the breastmilk that she is getting is filling the nutritional gaps that she's not getting from table food, so it's important from that perspective as well. My 18 month old is an OK eater, but I know that if I weaned him his health would go down because of nutritional gaps (and baby multivitamins are disgusting... they taste awful and are almost impossible to hide in juice or food), not to mention the loss of antibodies that my milk is still providing. But if you're determined to wean her, I would say go slow, and opt for foods that are nutrient dense, so she doesn't have to eat a whole lot of it. Whole-Milk yogurt or coconut milk fruit smoothies, avocado, dark-meat chcken, things like that. Also, is she still eating babyfood? You might find that she likes finger foods that she eats herself better. I've also noticed that my son likes to be involved at dinner... in a booster seat with a plate, silverware, sitting right up at the table with us. If she's not used to that setting, it may take some time for her to stop playing and start eating, but it will happen. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!