My son is 15 months old and still does not sleep thru the night. He generally is up 1-2x thru the night, unless he is teething, and then it is generally 3x or more. My daughter, now 8, didn't sleep the entire night till she was about 3. Granted, she was able to get herself back to sleep most nights, but there were still nights that she wanted me to come in when she woke up in the middle of the night.
My son is breastfed, so I do not currently have any issues with takling away his bottle. With my daughter who was bottle fed, I started watering down her milk till eventually she was just on straight water at night, since dentists do not reccomend allowing milk to sit on teeth all night. I also started using a soft spout spill-proof sippy for her(easier transition from the bottle then a hard spout one) at night. She actually still has a bottle of water next to her bed incase she gets thirsty in the night. Granted not a BABY bottle, but it still serves the same basic purpose.
Neither of my kids were taking a paci much after 6 months, so I completely understand the frustrated 'inbetween' stage where a paci would likely have made things easier. But then that is jsut one more thing to wean then off of later.