I'm not sure what the progression of breast to bottle was, so my opinion may be totally off here. (My response would be affected by knowning at what age you weaned her/she weaned herself completely from the breast and at what point the bottle was introduced.)
Assuming that you replaced breastfeeding with bottlefeeding in the last 4-6 weeks or so (meaning transition away from breast and to a bottle occurred around the same time), then if it were my daughter, I'd question whether she was really "done breastfeeding" or was she just going through a pause/nursing strike. Nursing kids can temporarily stop breastfeeding (commonly called a "nursing strike") because of pain related to teething or illness, or just being generally too interested in the world to stop for anything (like if they're learning a great new skill like walking or new words), even for breastfeeding. Perhaps your daughter wants the bottle because she's used to breastfeeding/cuddling/being close to you, and the bottle + refusing to hold it herself is the closest substitute?
Here are some resources, in case they'd help:
When Do Children Naturally Wean?
Is Baby Weaning or Is It a Nursing Strike?
A Natural Age of Weaning
Weaning: How Does It Happen
At any rate, the need to be near their parents and the need to suck are VERY strong in infants and toddlers (even past the age of 2 yrs - look at all the kids w/ pacifiers out there - pacis and bottle nipples are just artificial "breasts"), so I think it's absolutely understandable that she doesn't want to give up her afternoon bottle/cuddle time with mom. If it were me and my daughter, I'd choose not to worry about it.
Also, while weaning from the breast at 15 months of her own accord is certainly possible, it's not common. Left to their own preferences, kids typically wean between 2 - 4 years of age. Again, your daughter may well have weaned herself, and I'm sure you would be the best judge of this since you are the expert for your own child! I just wanted to give another perspective (nursing strike instead of full weaning, and that nursing well into toddlerhood is perfectly healthy) in the event that you felt pressure for your daughter to wean because of friends, family, or doctors who are unfamiliar with/unsupportive of breastfeeding past infancy. In the event that you would be open to reestablishing breastfeeding (given that both you and your daughter want to) it is likely that you are still lactating and that your daughter could well nurse if weaning occurred within the last 3 months.
Best of luck!