Hi Gillian,
I started weaning my son at about the same time...13-14 months (June timeframe last year). It took until 16 months (October) before he took his last "swig" from "me". :) I only gave him cows milk during the day in a "big boy" sippy cup. And, at night, I had my husband do the bedtime routine with a sippy cup of cows milk. Then, I only nursed in the morning when he woke up (for about 4 months). So, we got our snuggle time in before he started the day. I was able to stop pumping at work around August. Then, I had a work conference at the end of October last year and couldn't nurse in the morning either. He didn't seem to miss it a bit.
One weekend after the conference, he started to want to nurse on the couch and I let him...but, he latched for 30 seconds and unlatched and proclaimed "all done"... He never tried to nurse again. I think he just wanted to make sure it was still available "if he wanted it"...but, he didn't really want it anymore.
I hope this helps...as the other person said...it's a very personal and individual process. If you are ready, he will sense that and start to get himself ready. But, it doesn't happen overnight.
My advise, just start slowly eliminating nursing times. Daytime is the easiest, because they are so busy. Then, either morning or bedtime (whichever works for you)...then the other one. Before you know it, he'll be onto playing and other things.
My son and I still snuggle in our nursing chair with the sippy cup in the morning and after naps sometimes and he's a little over 2 years old.
Good Luck...I'll be sending good thoughts your way!!