Don't beat yourself up about it. Just resolve to improve a little bit. Instead of denying yourself any 'treats', let yourself have one less than before. As you have success with that, pull it back. In the mean time, have a look at your rewards system. You want to keep that weight off for the next 50 years, so even once you lose the 45 pounds, you can't go back to eating pre-Weight Watchers. The idea is to retrain your mind and eyes and stomach while on Weight Watchers so that you can get off weight watchers while maintaining your weight. Rewarding yourself with 'treats' - high fat/sugar food - is not going to keep your weight off. So, give yourself grace. And figure out a rewards system which also encourages your weight loss/weight maintenance.
In my experience, there is often some underlying emptiness inside of you which eating tries to fill - I'd really encourage you to have a look at that.
When I complete a kenken puzzle, I give myself a star. What are non-food non-expensive treats you can give yourself? Verbal praise, call a friend, give yourself a 15 minute break to enjoy the blue sky or blustery wind.
Great job working on it. That's the main thing - falling down and getting back up again!