I knew I was pregnant last time when there was a cold leftover jack in the box taco on the counter and my first thought was "I'll bet that would be so good dipped in peanut butter!!" Lol. It was delicious.
So I am pregnant and with this baby I can't eat hardly ANYTHING! If it's crunchy I might be able to handle it. Last night my dinner was 2 plain waffle cones without ice cream or anything in them.
When I was pregnant with my son I would microwave pickles with Ketchup and Mustard and eat it up! yummy!
When I haven't been pregnant I adore tripas tacos(intestines) or baby octopus! Ethiopian food is definitely my favorite!
What about you ladies?
I knew I was pregnant last time when there was a cold leftover jack in the box taco on the counter and my first thought was "I'll bet that would be so good dipped in peanut butter!!" Lol. It was delicious.
Love my pizza dipped in ranch dressing..pregnant or not.. :)
when I was pregnant with my twins I totally craved fish and chips...its not wierd at all...but I think it was all the grease...ugh!!! I just couldn't get enough of it...however, I didn't gain a ton of weight! Only 20 lbs. and my twins were good sized. So I guess it didn't hurt me too badly. Anything deep fried was what my body seemed to want pregnant...why? Strange! Can't bring myself to eat "wierd" things now...they say "mind over matter", but I just can't get my mind over the matter! ha ha :)
My husband's eaten LITERALLY everything and anything under the sun, including some things he wishes he had never tried... my weirdest would have to be simple old alligator chili. It was chewy. I don't care to have it again. My husband LOVES stuff like wildebeest, zebra, squirrel, etc... he's also staged 'survivor' trips for his little brothers, and eaten more than his fair share of bugs, worms, snakes, and spiders.
Good news is, if we ever do see zombies take over the earth, I'm pretty sure we'll be okay...
I like to dip french fries in mayonaise that I add pepper to. Sounds gross but is really wonderful.
When I was pregnant with baby #1 I would eat a whole can of black olives or a whole box of kraft deluxe velveeta macaroni and cheese.
Baby #2 My cravings were not specific. More like textural, I wanted salty or crunchy or sweet or creamy. Taco Bell was my go to often...
Baby #3 ice cream and pb&js. I must've eaten 1000 peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches
My first pregnancy I LOVED Microwaved soggy fish sticks and eggs with hot sauce. YUCK!!! With all pregnancies I loved PB & J sandwiches on wheat bread. With my last I ate a 8lb bag of ice EVERYDAY! And I loved bell peppers which I always hated before.
Pregnant or not I like baked lays crushed into a bowl covered in worescteshire(sp) sauce. Eat with a spoon .
For me, it was roast camel and goat. I'm not kidding. I was at a multicultral party at my work, and we had several people from the Middle East and Africa where these foods are common and that's what they brought to the party. We have several exotic meat import stores around here and that's where they got the meat. I had no choice but to try the camel and goat, it would have been rude for me not to. Didn't like the camel, too gamey and greasy. The goat wasn't too bad, considering, but wouldn't eat it again.
This one is hard to say but yes it is Chocolate, Chocolate chip, peanut butter surprise cookies with zuichinni mixed in... They are wonderful find a peanut butter surprise cookie recipe and then put the surprise peanut butter mix inside chocolate chocolate chip batter mixed with zuichinni.
The weirdest? According to me is squid, according to lot of other people, my cereal without milk. Don't know why, but people think that is really odd. :)
One time my husband and I were at his parents house for dinner and his Mother served us some Ham Hock soup. I asked her what it was because it looked just awful. It was chunky and weird, anyways, she said it was soup with big hunks of ham. We ate some of it and it was disgusting. I hated it and didnt eat more than 2 bites.
I later find out what Ham Hock soup really was. It's the Ankle Tendon of the pig. I about threw up. No wonder it was gross.
Baby #1 McDonald's hamburger buns
Baby #2 tuna fish
Baby#3 watermelon
not terribly unusual but interesting btw they all turned out OK