We love our cloth diapers! There are so many choices to choose from that you really have to try some out and see what you like I think. Diapers that fit one kid well don't really fit another well sometimes. I found the reviews at www.diaperpin.com to be VERY helpful when choosing ours. That said, I think you get the best VALUE when you choose a fitted-type diaper, and perhaps a one-size diaper. I would recommend getting about 20 or so diapers per kid (so you can wash every 2 or 3 days) and 3-4 covers per kid (you can hand-wash at night or wash with the dipes). Along those lines, we have used Kissaluvs, Motherease One-Size diapers (which don't really fit my very-skinny son that well, though they do the job) and Sugarbritches fitteds.
We got most of ours USED off the internet at sites such as the Motherease Forum (you can link from www.motherease.com) and diaperswappers (www.diaperswappers.com). You can sometimes find good deals on ebay too, but I frequently find that ebay's selection is poor and prices are expensive. (but it's probably a good place to sell them!) Used fitted diapers usually sell for about 6-7$ each versus $9-11 new. Lots of places also have deals if you buy a dozen or more at once. Good luck!!