I can honestly say that I have never heard an emergency plan like yours. A non-parent would not be allowed in the ER room with the child in most city hospitals even if the child was severely injured.
I think that most everyone's plan states that the ambulance will take the child and it is the parents responsibility to be at the hospital to meet the ambulance or someone that is their representative.
An ambulance will not allow anyone to ride along. I have never seen that even with a child with developmental disabilities. Perhaps they might but not if that person is not a parent.
You do realize that the piece of paper you sign at the care givers to allow them to seek treatment for your child is worthless, correct?
The hospital would look at them like they were nuts if they even tried to show them that. In the instance of a child coming in injured with no legal parent available in person they automatically call a judge for permission to treat. They, of course, start life saving procedures and have a clerk make the call.
But that piece of paper is not notarized, it is not that particular hospitals form, it is not anything more than a piece of paper.
If you are a Jehovah's Witness and have signed a paper with specific items on it that are to never be allowed for your child if they are severely injured and your child gets injured. That paper will not be honored. Your child will receive all life saving procedures whether that piece of paper is shown them or not. It is not a legal document.
The way to fix this issue:
Go to your local hospitals, doc offices, etc...and ask them for permission to treat forms.
They should hand them to you to fill out. You may be required to fill them out there and then they will notarize them. They usually have one for legal reasons. They may not be there all the time but it covers their hineys.
Once you have people listed on their official form that person can officially say yes or no to any treatment the staff feels is needed until you can get there.
So parents, make sure you have an emergency plan. If you work where you cannot be at a hospital within minutes if your child is injured it is your responsibility to have a plan in place to care for your child.
You must have paperwork on file at that hospital to make sure your requests are honored, you must sign permission to treat papers for your friend, your neighbor, your parents, etc...you must make the plan to care for your child in your absence. Have the hospital/doc's office make you extra copies with the notary seal embossed on them. Give each person named a copy and ask they carry it with them at all times in case they are called while they are at Walmart shopping, then they don't have to run home and hunt for it.
That care provider loves your child but they have other children to care for. They cannot abandon everyone to care for an injured child once that child has left their facility. It is your responsibility to make a plan.
Call an attorney to check your states requirements as far as legal responsibility, call the local hospital and put this form on file, get a copy and give that official copy to each person you have listed on it. The offices are closed after 5pm and on weekends so they must have it to show just in case.