I have 2 daughters, 13 & 9 years old. They are responsible for making their own beds, keeping their clothes picked up off the floor and in the dirty clothes hamper, bringing their clean clothes up from the basement (I take the laundry out of the dryer and put it in their respective baskets and they are responsible for bringing it upstairs and putting it away), the oldest empties the dishwasher twice a week, the youngest sweeps twice a week, they are both responsible for emptying trash in their rooms and one bathroom twice a week and also brushing their dogs every other day and they take turns cleaning the yard. We have a chart of what needs to be done on what days and they can do extras as well. We do tie their allowance into the amount of work they do. We tell them that our house works just like the real world and if you don't want to work, you don't get paid. They get paid 50 cents per chore (although, the ones I really don't want to do myself are worth $1 each). We total it up at the end of the week. They can earn up to $30 per week. (keep reading - don't freak out on me yet) The kids get 50% of what they earned, 10% goes to their tithe and 40% goes into their savings. They buy their own clothes, shoes, camp fees, presents for friends birthday parties, etc. out of their savings. It has taught them the importance of saving and also money management.