We've seen more than I can remember and they have had all different backgrounds. Three who were exceptional:
One was a guy who was referred from a message board that I was on for women who had husbands who had a specific issue that was affecting our marriage. He had every degree under the sun, was freaking brilliant and did not take insurance, so we only did a few sessions because we could no longer afford to pay him $160 per hour. He was super-direct, didn't dance around things and was very "in your face" to my husband, which he responded well to.
Another was a female pastor of an evangelical Christian church that we do not attend (I'm Catholic, he's Jewish). She was referred by a friend and was wonderful. She refused to take payment and my husband really connected with her, even going to services at the church. She was so compassionate, hopeful, nurturing and realistic. Her qualifications are that she was divorced, is re-married, and had a blended family so she understood some of our problems first-hand.
Our current guy is my husband's psychopharmacologist. He has worked well because he is already an expert on my husband's mood disorder and knows how that affects our relationship.
My point is...it's largely hit or miss. We've seen people who look impressive on paper and have great credentials but they were a poor fit. There were people I liked but my husband hated and vice-versa. There were people we liked but they didn't really help us get anywhere. You should know within the first 2 sessions whether or not someone will work for you (the first session is an endless amount of HIPAA forms and payment agreements, the 2nd is when you actually get started on things).
Good luck to you - we've kissed a lot of frogs in our journey but the ones who have been helpful have kept us together.