Depending on how much money is received, I'd either contribute to a 529 (if you have one) to go towards her college expenses, or I'd seek the advice of a financial planner to see if it's advisable to invest in mutual funds, a Roth IRA, decent yield CD, etc.
My husband and I met with an accountant right after we got married. We didn't have kids yet. He said the day we graduated from college, we were already behind the 8-ball in terms of saving for retirement.
I'd let her pick an item or two to enjoy, but I'd also use it as a lesson to teach about saving for the future. The financial crisis we're in, largely caused by people being SO over-extended in debt (mortgages, credit cards, etc) should be a huge learning lesson.
I'd also recommend making her be responsible for some portion of her college. I spent a year out of college for financial reasons. At 19, I worked 3 jobs, 7 days/week to put myself back to school. I didn't make much (highest paying job was $9/hour), but I bought a car and saved $17K in that year.
When you're contributing towards the cost of college, you take it much more seriously. I've been on both sides (parents paying all and me contributing), and I was a much better student when I was contributing.
Good luck!