Most daycares have specific lists/requests. Did they not provide you with a "what to bring" list? I would ask them directly what's expected. Usually it's stuff like a change of clothes, extra sweatshirt, blanket for nap, etc.
Do you have any recommendation for what to pack for a daycare? any specific lunch box? tag names? would appreciate links....
Most daycares have specific lists/requests. Did they not provide you with a "what to bring" list? I would ask them directly what's expected. Usually it's stuff like a change of clothes, extra sweatshirt, blanket for nap, etc.
You're taking your infant to day care, correct?
Call the day care and ask what they allow. If you are breast feeding your child, you need to bring enough bottle of breast milk that are CLEARLY labeled with your child's name on it for the day. Find out if they have room for a "'lunch box". most serve lunch to avoid any food allergy issues.
What you should TYPICALLY DO if your child is going full time:
* package of diapers with NAME on the package
* package of diaper wipes with NAME on the package
* two change of clothes...you can put your child's initials on the tag.
* blanket - if your child has a blanket he/she loves at home? Get a second or third one and take one to day care. Every Friday - the staff will put it in your child's cubby to take home and wash.
The day care will let you know when you need to bring in more diapers. The clothes are typically put in a plastic bag and in your child's cubby when you pick him/her up at the end of the day.
DO NOT bring personal toys.
Every daycare will have a list of things they require, ask them.
I just used a soft sided cooler lunchbox. Her lunch went into a fridge so it didn't need an ice pack and the luchbox was big enough for a few bottles and some snacks. Find out what they serve and what you need to provide. As an infant, she also had her diaper bag, but I left spare clothes, diapers, wipes and our preferred brand of cream at the center and they told me when she needed a refill. She had her own diaper station bin. She had a sleep sack or blanket and a favorite toy for her crib.
I labeled her things (still do) with labels from Mabel's Labels. You can order them online at http://www.mabelslabels.com and they last a long time. I only very occasionally have them not stick to something. The label outlasted DD's use of some things, like bottles and sippy cups. Putting a tag on things helps you get stuff home.
I do not suggest that you pack really cute or precious outfits for day to day. Babies can live in simple outfits like sleepers and onesies and if they ruin them, no big deal. That little outfit from Grandma...best for home.
But do ask the daycare. We did provide food, but some provide it for you. I also provided food due to my child's allergies. They should have a list of things (like spare clothes, slippers for indoors, etc) that they need from you.
Yep, everyone else already has the right answer. You should ask your daycare.
My daycare is very specific: actually no outside food is allowed unless it's breastmilk/formula for the infant room. They provide all the food and they will not let you bring anything in, because other kids have allergies and they don't want anyone getting sick.
Otherwise, in general (and not knowing the age of your child):
At least 1 change of clothes, with name written on the tags (for an infant, I always took in a stack of onsies in case of diaper blowouts, but for my now 4 year old, just 1 set of clothes including socks is fine). I just write on the clothes with a sharpie, I don't buy tags.
Diapers and wipes if your child is not yet potty trained.
A lovey and/or blanket for naptime.
For my child, that's really about it. Now that I don't have to bring in breastmilk bottles every day, we walk in every morning with just a child's backpack, and all it has in it is the lovey.
Outdoor clothes/gear. In the spring you need rain coat, splash pants and rubber boots. In the summer you need a sun hat and sun screen. In the winter you need snow pants, boots, hat and mitts. A good daycare will take the kids out every day, regardless of the weather, and the kids need to have the appropriate gear.
What age child.
If it's an infant they need a diaper bag that will cover them for the whole day. Diapers, bottles, formula powder or breast milk in some sort of thing that will keep it icy cold.
If they're a toddler, age 12 months to 24 months, they need diapers and a change of clothes in their cubby.
If they're a pre-schooler, age 2-3, they need diapers/pull ups. Once they turn 3 and move up they'll work on potty training seriously. They should still have plenty of clothes to change into if they need it.
If the child is 3 or older they shouldn't need to bring anything and it's usually not allowed for them to bring anything from home. The teachers do NOT want to have to remember someone's personal items nor do they want to have to explain to parents that the child care parent handbook prohibits outside food and does not allow personal items to be brought to school.
I'd read the hand book. They should be supplying every item your child needs once they are out of diapers and eating table food, not in the infant room though, you have to supply all food and bottle stuff in that room.
Ask your provider, they should be able to give you list.