I just responded to your tent question. Sounds like you are getting your daughter into some fun outdoor things! What a fun age, right?
Your daughter is not too young to buy a regular bike with training wheels, although I recommend taking off the pedals and training wheels at first. Get one that she can firmly touch the ground on the lowest seat setting. She will be able to grow into it, so don't buy one that fits this way when the seat is up. Once your daughter has balance and steering down pat, pedaling will be easy. There are a ton of reviews on balance bikes; we wary of wooden models. Our son rides a Strider and has since late spring, and we introduced the pedal bike about a month ago. He definitely prefers the balance bike and does quite well on it. He rode for about 3 miles one day. We wondered why push him to a pedaling bike when he is building so much confidence and interest in bikeriding with the balance bike?!?