Congrats on the Baby (to be)!!
You're wise to ask this question, as it will become more "pressing" as your pregnancy progresses. If you have any friends who live near you that have children, I would ask them who they use. You can also go to your insurance company and look thru their list of peds in your immediate area. Print off the list and mark your personal preferences on locations, sex of the dr (will become very important later on, for your child), and their working hours (make sure to find out if they have Saturday hours, or what their office policy is). You can take your list to your OB and ask who his/her preference is. We asked ours, and we've been VERY happy with our pediatrician's office!!
We started asking during our 2nd trimester, and made an appt to interview the Pediatricians before our baby was due, as I was already at risk for a pre-term baby (he was a month early). Having our pediatrician chosen made it so easy for us to just focus on being able to visit the NICU to see him, instead of spending that time choosing and looking for his pediatrician.
If you haven't gotten it already, I highly recommend reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting". It is updated on a regular basis, and is available at Babies R Us, as well as the typical bookstores.
Warm Wishes for you and your Hubby!!