That is a great question. One every parent should ask. Yes, we need to teach our children about “stranger danger” but really we just need to keep them feeling safe. Statistics will tell you that it is more likely that if a child is threatened it will be by someone that they know, not a stranger.
It is not safe to tell your child “don’t talk to strangers” when you do it every day, at the grocery store till, at the gas station, the toll booths, we talk to strangers every day. Sending your child mixed messages is even harder on them. When you are out and about use the opportunity to say: “hey, if we got separated what would you do?”. When you are at the park say, “what would you do if someone asked you to help him look for his dog?” Or at school say: “what would you do if someone was being mean to you?” Use real life situations. Don’t make up situations that “may happen” that may scare him. Use the teachable moments as they come.
What I do and did with my kids is simple. I told them how to be safe. You know, stay with Mommy, hold my hand in a crowd, the basics. I taught them to TRUST their instincts. If they “felt weird” tell me right away. If they were scared, tell me and we would talk about why.
As they got a little older it was, stay in a group, don’t walk alone, always let me know where you are.
Now one is 14 and the other is 10. My best advice to them is stay safe, make good choices today. I trust that they will be safe.
Family Success Coach