The law is 1 year old AND 20 pounds, but many studies show that it is safer to keep them rear-facing for as long as possible. My son is 16 months and I still have him facing backwards.
I can't remember when I can turn the car seat around to face forward. My son is 5 1/2 monthes old and gets upset when I put him in the car. I think he would be happier if he could see me and where we are going! I have a three year old, but I don't remember how I handled this with him. Thanks!
The law is 1 year old AND 20 pounds, but many studies show that it is safer to keep them rear-facing for as long as possible. My son is 16 months and I still have him facing backwards.
You can face them forward when they are 20 lbs AND over a year. Both conditions must be met.
One year AND 20 lbs. Try a mirror in front of your baby so maybe he can see you like that.
My daughter reallyyyyyyyyy couldn't stand being rear-facing, but regulations say that you should not turn them until they are both 1 year old AND 20 pounds. Unfortunately, my daughter is small so i actually had to wait until she was 13 or 14 months old to turn her. She got much better about being rear-facing when she turned 10 months, but it was still pretty harrowing to take anything less than a 15 minute ride.
Because their necks aren't well-developed until they are a year as well as at least 20 pounds, it's really not safe to turn them. Although believe me, i can relate to your agony driving with a screaming baby!!
all the best -
(P.S. i also am home full-time, working a little bit of consulting; prefer alternative methods and use homeopathics, along with exclusive breastfeeding for her first 6 months, followed by solely organic foods)
You can face them forward when they're 20lbs. My daughter hated getting in the car seat as well. Even with it facing forward now, she still gets a little irritated.