That is a difficult question, as you can tell by the varied responses you're getting. I think the perfect time to get pregnant is when you are ready. I know that doesn't help much, but let me try to explain. Every child is different and every parent is different, so what's perfect for others will not necessarily be perfect for you. Just keep that in mind. Now, my experiences, around 2 to 3 years apart would probably be good, especially since you are a stay at home mom. I had my first two 18 months apart. They are currently 10 and 9. My younger sister and I are also only 15 months apart. We shared a room as my two oldest daughters do now. It was difficult sometimes, but the toughest part was the fact that my younger sister always craved attention to the point of trying to "one-up" me in front of my friends. Occasionally, it even got violent. I am seeing some of that trend in my daughters. On the other hand, my third and fourth child were both spaced four years after their older sibling. So my son, my third child, turning 5 in July, had me more to himself, as my fourth and final child, 11-months-old, does presently when the other children are in school. These last two also had the benefit of me being a stay-at-home mom, while the oldest two were in daycare from 6 months and 6 weeks respectively. Honestly, I think that had the bigger impact on them than the years in between. Also, 7 years might seem like long enough for them to have your devoted attention, but that doesn't always work out the best either. My mom is the middle daughter with sisters 7 years on either side. They really weren't friends until the youngest was nearly 30. As I said, every child is different and every parent is different, so the perfect time for you is when you and your husband think it is.