Hi J.!
I started brushing my son's teeth after he got his first tooth. I bought the Oragel Tooth and Gum Cleanser. It came with flouride free toothpaste and a little brush you put on your finger to rub gums and teeth.
My son had all his teeth in by the time he was 1. So we graduated to a small toothbrush and flouride free toothpaste. Children's toothpaste and toothbrushes are not usually mixed in with the adult stuff. However, children's flouride toothpaste is mixed in with the flouride free. So make sure you read labels! I've already came home with the wrong stuff.
I won't give my son flouride until he's old enough to know to spit. Right now, he's obsessed with brushing his teeth. I really only brush his teeth in the morning and at night. But he feels the need to brush his own teeth every time he walks into the bathroom. He gets the flouride he needs through tap water anyway.
My pediatrician said not to worry about a dentist until he's 3; about when he can hold his own mouth open. The woman I babysit for, who is a dental hygeniest, said the same thing. She said as long as you brush the teeth twice a day and follow good habits (not too much sugar, no drink while sleeping, etc) you should be fine. She also said to hold off until they can hold their mouths open.
Good luck!