You are making milk just fine. Pumping is NOT the way to gauge your milk production. 1/4 of your production is what is pumped out... the baby's mouth can suckle out 100%, not the 25% the machine can get. Most women are not able to pump large amounts - which is why I advise women to start pumping immediately after the first week to start stockpiling their milk in the freezer. Once you reach the 4-5 months mark - chance of pumping ANYTHING immediately decreases because your body has custom fit to your baby, not your pump.
You need to see an IBCLC about whether you have a slow let down... to me, that sounds like your main issue. Also, every 2-3 months your infant will go thru a growth spurt, which means they will be nursing A LOT more than usual and seem unsatisfied, but that is because they are priming your body to start upping the milk production.
From your post, you sabotaged your milk supply the first time around by offering formula instead of letting the baby cluster feed to build up milk production.
Stop offering formula!!! Breastfeed OFTEN. Pump while nursing the other side. Take fenugreek and blessed thistle pills in a combination - they work together to give a greater outcome than either would alone. Eat oatmeal, veggies, fruits and drink plenty of fluids. Get as much rest as possible - preferably napping and sleeping WITH your infant. Your breasts will never feel full again, unless you have another newborn.
Don't worry what other ppl can pump - that has NO BEARING on YOUR production. You are already at that point where you should have had a stockpile of expressed milk, now it's too late to be pumping due to the body already conforming to what your infant needs. Don't stress what you can pump... just pump and save what you can, supplement with formula ONLY when you are not physically around to feed your baby.