I got a lot of suggestions from other moms on this site. Also, my kids's preschool had a lending library that was full of good books. Do you need suggestions? I have a few favorites that have helped me over the years...:)
Seems like fewer and fewer parents are getting their information from books. But, some people still read non-fiction parenting books right? Where do you go to get a book idea or how do you learn about new books you might want to read?
Great ideas - thank you everyone! Advice included preschool lending libraries, pediatricians, marriage and family therapist, bookstore browsing (the actual paper kind) and bookstore browsing (Amazon).
I use Amazon and word of mouth, occasionally a book review. But, I find that it's hard to tell if I'll like a parenting book from my friend's input or even Amazon reviews. My favorite book was "Blessing of a Skinned Knee". My sister read it and thought I was maybe abusive :( So even when you share similar philosophies, the contents of a book hit different people in different ways. My other favorites: How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk and Siblings without Rivalry. My kids are getting older and I probably need parenting books more than ever but I have even less time than ever and I need to sift through even more books to find good ones. Thanks everyone for ideas for where to find books that might really hit the spot!
I got a lot of suggestions from other moms on this site. Also, my kids's preschool had a lending library that was full of good books. Do you need suggestions? I have a few favorites that have helped me over the years...:)
I still browse at Amazon. I've been buying books from Amazon since the day it opened its online doors. Still my "go to" place.
I had a friend who's dad is a pediatrician recommend books for me and I've had people on here recommend them as well.
Birthing class
Other moms
Go to the bookstore, sit on the floor, read a lot of them to determine which fits my philosophy best (which is exactly why we cannot completely go to internet only book shopping.)
The library. When the kids were small we were at the library every week. I also signed up for whatever free parenting classes offered by the school division, like PPP Parenting, Restitiution Theory etc. They always recommended books and often gave us free books. Best parenting book ever...Lenore Skenazy Free Range Kids.
My husband (marriage and family therapist).
Here at MP.