We live in Boston and I seem to always wait until it is cold before I realize we need stuff. When you need a winter coat in December, the malls have frilly Easter dresses! When it is already snowing, we can only find cold weather stuff at consignment stores. We have found $10 snow pants that cost $80 new. Winter coats that may not be the exact color you want, but who cares when it is keeping you warm. We do also buy from Lands End and LLBean (and LLBean has outlet stores near us where returned perfectly new clothes are much cheaper). Finally, Sears near us has a great selection of winter gear if you do not wait until end December. Nebraska gets even colder than Boston, so if nothing else order (or buy at Sears) some long underwear to wear underneath your current clothes (as long as your current clothes have a little room). Stay warm this winter!