I had a natural birth at Baylor with a midwife group, but for my next birth I will not use them or Baylor again. They said a lot that they were for a natural mother friendly birth, but when it came to the end that weren't as accommadating (sp?). That last week of my pregnancy I was threatened w/ a c-section b/c they were saying my baby was 10lbs 13oz, which caused so much stress that I didn't go into labor on my own. I didn't want to be induced at all, but "had" to when I was five days over my due date b/c my baby was "too big". They broke my water. They said they wanted to give me pitocin, but I asked to hold off. Thankfully my little man came on his own then. But like I said before there was a lot of stress and threats that I was very unhappy with. Oh, and my baby was 9lbs 10oz, not as big as they had predicted. But things could have gone very differently. And from several friends I've heard they had some similar situations that ended a lot worse than mine; induced, drugs, c-section, etc. I was happy w/ the midwifes up until that last week and then I didn't like the decisions they were forcing on me, I think mainly from the doctors and hospital they were under. I have heard wonderful things about Harris hospital and midwives! Also my husband was a 4th year med-student last year and did his OBGYM rotation at Harris and was w/ several of the midwives. He was very impressed and wished we had gone w/ them over Baylor. If I'm in Fort Worth next time around I'm going to definitely use them if I use a hospital. I'm actually thinking about a birth center, but time will tell:)